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Arnold Schroder
Nov 5, 20243 min read
#77: How to Tell If Someone Is Hitting You
(09/17/2024) A dominance hierarchy is a social structure where some people are allowed to hit you, and you're not allowed to hit back. It...
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Arnold Schroder
Nov 5, 20241 min read
#76: Taming the Apocalypse with Dr. Shane Simonsen
(08/01/2024) Dr. Shane Simonsen returns to talk about his new book Taming the Apocalypse , a vision of humanity's potential as “the...
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Arnold Schroder
Jul 29, 20244 min read
#75: We Are Fighting a War to Keep Our Hearts Alive
(05/24/2024) Is it time to give up? Was it already time to give up in 2020, or 2012, or perhaps even 1999? We usually justify our answers...
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Arnold Schroder
May 24, 20243 min read
#74: Sub-Self, Meet Meta-Self
(03/20/2024) You've heard a million times that the history of life on earth is one of systems tending toward ever-increasing complexity,...
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Arnold Schroder
May 24, 20241 min read
#73: Vivimancer pt. 2: Brain Waves
(01/26/2024) In 2015, Thorstein Grunwald began a mythic undertaking. He sought extreme states of consciousness for the purpose of making...
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Arnold Schroder
Jan 12, 20242 min read
#72: Jesus of Nazareth and the Biology of Defeat
(12/30/2023) What does it say about a society if it venerates the image of someone being executed by the state for sedition? In this...
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Arnold Schroder
Jan 12, 20244 min read
#71: The Biological Singularity Is Near pt. 1
(11/22/2023) We have clearly reached the end of this phase of human civilization. Does that mean that evolution's broad trend towards...
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Arnold Schroder
Dec 4, 20231 min read
#70: Social Complexity after the Machines: Interview with Dr. Shane Simonsen
(10/02/2023) Rejecting both the empty promise of a future of magically sustainable resource extraction and a return to what has already...
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Arnold Schroder
Oct 2, 20231 min read
Metanoia: How Worldviews Change
(10/02/2023) Fight Like An Animal has engendered a group, and that group has in turn engendered a new podcast called Metanoia: How...
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Arnold Schroder
Oct 2, 20231 min read
#69: Vivimancer pt. 1: The Water Carrier (preview)
(09/20/2023) Perpetually replenishing his organs by inducing his cells to behave like those of an early embryo, Arnold continues the...
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Arnold Schroder
Sep 20, 20237 min read
#68: Seeds of the World Tree: Programs of Revolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Politics
(08/22/2023) Fight Like An Animal has generated an incredible audience consisting of rigorous thinkers who possess deep empathy. These...
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Arnold Schroder
Sep 18, 20231 min read
#67: Social Cohesion vs. the Internet vs. the Establishment vs. the Earth
(08/19/2023) A wide-ranging conversation between Arnold and Daniel of What Is Politics? concerning the prospects for social...
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Arnold Schroder
Jul 28, 20231 min read
#66: A Saboteur's Moon Sheds No Light (excerpt)
(07/19/2023) sab·o·teur’s moon /sabəˈtərz mo͞on/ noun A sliver moon providing minimal illumination, allowing for maximum obscurity at...
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Arnold Schroder
Jul 28, 20231 min read
#65: The Ashes of the World Tree: On Grieving and Fighting
(07/07/2023) Our worldviews emerge from our psychologies, from embodied states of being. In an effort to describe my framework for...
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Arnold Schroder
Jun 22, 20239 min read
#64.1-3: Metamorphosis pt. 3: Your Body Is a Map of the Sky
(06/21/2023) #64.1: The Rupture in the Fabric of Reality Model of Human Cognition. We continue to assess our future evolutionary...
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Arnold Schroder
May 26, 20233 min read
#63: Metamorphosis pt. 2: The Cognitive Evolutionary Avant-Garde
(05/20/2023) We assess the future of our evolutionary journey by asking what it was like, experientially, to be at the forefront of...
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Arnold Schroder
May 14, 20232 min read
#62: Metamorphosis pt. 1: The Age of Mutual Incomprehension
(05/13/2023) This series examines the future of the human evolutionary journey. Can we adopt behaviors other than the ones that are...
1,302 views0 comments

Arnold Schroder
May 13, 20231 min read
#61: The Incompetent Authoritarianism of Vladimir Lenin
(05/10/2023) Having grown up in a time when anarchism was the ubiquitous form of revolutionary politics, Daniel of What Is Politics? and...
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Arnold Schroder
Mar 13, 20233 min read
#60: Revolutionary Biology pt. 2: The Development and Evolution of Sasquatch
(03/10/2023) As an illustration of the extraordinary plasticity of the human species, we examine the story of Zana, whose genetics,...
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Arnold Schroder
Mar 11, 20232 min read
#59: Revolutionary Biology pt. 1: Nature vs. Nurture vs. Synthesis
(03/06/2023) Nature vs. nurture thinking simply makes no sense: an entity can only respond to its environment via evolved capacities....
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